Story of a spoiled Kid

Before I start rambling, you have to accept it people! I am not alone here, I believe most of you are with me under this category.

     You may be a person who beams with pride, that you are a grown up independent woman, Self-thinking person who knows to spend and save and that you can manage your home on your own from choosing the best flooring to buying a door mat . But later you go bury your head under a pillow and cry your eyes out and scream “I am NOT any of these”. If you are a person who has never lived on your own in your entire lifetime, you are the world’s most vulnerable creatures when you start to head a home.

     When someone (the husband, actually) observes you for a few days and says that you are a spoiled kid, you just fume with anger that your nerves pop out. Since you think you have been doing all your work yourself throughout your life. But in-fact the things you have done all by yourself are eating, giving yourself a bath and putting your clothes on, may be even in those, your mom would have had herself involved at times.

     Do you remember the times you yelled at your mom when the favorite shirt of yours was not ironed when you needed it???  But little did you know that before it is being ironed it has to go through a three step process, washing, drying it, not forgetting that your clothes are drying, then getting it ironed and most of all placing it back in the closet. Now its time for you to do your own laundry, so the first day you forget to dry the clothes, second day you dry them but forget to get them back home and a heavy downpour soaks them like a tissue. Finally, if you get to bring it home, it just lies on a chair in your bedroom forever.

     You can non-stop talk about your adventurous cooking experiences. You have your kitchen stocked with a variety of lentils, not even knowing which is what, Google may have helped you here. You thought that you have the internet, the YouTube, the various cooking apps and you are no less than a Cook and start-off with chopping a tomato and find out that it is quite solid than it looks while you spot  blood in your knife. Only then did you know that you have been trying to chop your finger. Now you console yourself that it was the first day at the kitchen and you promise yourself to make a four course meal the next day, and it is already 5 years since.

     So, never marry a person who is OCD nor a person who is a foodie. World forbid, if you happen to marry an OCD, may be you change into one or change your partner into a lazy bum like you. And if you happen to marry a foodie, make him cook himself or you are Helpless!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you.. always you are the first one to react

  2. Brings me back memories of my newly married life, and definitely I can now have a 7 course meal, with my foodie hubby.

    1. oh wow really??? that's because you would prepare the appetizer and he would prepare the rest 6

  3. You nailed it! Unfortunately for me, I married a wonderful guy with OCD - and I remain a lazy bum. Neither of us changed - we just learned to accept.

    1. Unfortunately 😂😂😂

    2. check my new blog

  4. You Really are talented, well done -again-. I'll definetly subscribe :DD

    1. Thanks so much.. thanks for subscribing too

  5. Great post, thanks for sharing


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